Rome Experience Selection

This diverse selection aims to enrich your experience in Italy and deepen your relationship with Rome. All have been developed with an eye towards established traditions as well as contemporary undercurrents. Custom experiences tailored upon request.


italian-art.jpgThroughout history, Rome has been a capital of contemporary art and continues to lead the avantgarde. This selection introduces guests to Rome’s network of local and international galleries. A contemporary art connoisseur will present guests to artist, gallery owners, curators and collectors as well as arrange private visits to artist studios. Interested clients are assisted in purchasing works subsequent shipment arrranged upon request. Selection can be altered to genre and medium interest.



rome-patrician-palaces.jpgRome’s historic center is defined by palaces once in competition for pre-eminence in the Eternal City.  IF Lifestyle Management invites guests into these closed private residences to decipher the symbology laden in their artistic and architectural opulence.  An art historian will accompany guests, providing insight into the rise and fall of Rome’s most powerful families and their influence on the modern urban landscape.



italian-cookery.jpgEpicurious was developed for guests to enjoy a morning, afternoon, or full day in honor of Italian cuisine.  This selection is oriented about restaurant meals highlighting regional ingredients and complimented by visits to local markets and delicacy stores.  An acclaimed chef will offer guests a new approach to Italian cooking and work up their appetite to enjoy it.  Itineraries around specific ingredients or dishes available upon request.



antique-jewel.jpgThis selection has been developed in response to Rome’s leading role in contemporary jewelry design.  Guests are welcomed into established jewelry design houses in order to view the selection process of precious stones and the creation of couture pieces.  After observing jewelry craftsmen and designers, guests enjoy a private showroom tour and opportunity to model select pieces.



secret-rome.jpgSecret Rome allows guests to deepen their understanding of Rome’s artistic and cultural heritage.  Guests will be lead throughout the city center to discover obscure chapels within unassuming churches, walk along passageways above cloistered courtyards, and explore various private collections including historic armouries.  Private entrance to all closed venues guaranteed by IF Lifestyle Management.



mercatus-traiani.jpgDeveloped in tandem with Secret Rome, Underground Rome reveals the history of Rome in its totality.  A private art historian will accompany guests through the fascinating world that lies hidden beneath the modern city in order to demonstrate how these first layers determined Rome’s physical and cultural landscape.  Sites cover various architectural typologies closed to the public, including imperial residences, clandestine chapels, and ancient catacombs.



italian-frescos.jpgOne of our most outstanding selections, Ancient Interior Décor surveys the foundation of Italian design by exploring interior décor in Ancient Rome.  Five distinct sites ranging in period, medium, and style offer guests the opportunity to view immaculately preserved marbles, frescoes, reliefs, and furniture.  The comprehensive selection demonstrates the influence of ancient aesthetic on contemporary taste.



italian-garden.jpgThis selection welcomes guests into three of Rome’s finest private gardens, all of which epitomize period taste and design.  All together, the gardens demonstrate the evolution of landscape architecture in Rome over the centuries and each presents a unique offering, including keyhole vistas, monastery markets, and Renaissance fresco masterpieces.  Private car or Vintage Vespa transportation available upon request.



roman-bath.jpgThe leisure tradition of taking to thermal waters has left an indelible imprint on the Eternal City.  This selection introduces guests to the aged ritual through the ancient baths of Caracalla and Diocletian, icons of Roman architecture and models for contemporary design.  Guests conclude their experience at a traditional Roman bath with thermal pools, saunas, steam rooms, and massage therapies.



ancient-rome-coin1.jpgRome continues to be enriched by important archaeological discoveries.  IF Lifestyle Management invites guests to partake in current excavations alongside a trained archaeologist.  Guests are provided an overview of archaeological theory and continue with on-site digging.  Necessary equipment and permits provided.  (N.B. All findings remain under the jurisdiction of the archaeological commission.)



rome-market.jpgThis selection welcomes guests to partake in the daily market and food preparation that begin every Roman morning.  Guests are invited to local markets with a professional chef to collect ingredients for a four-course meal.  Returning to the private kitchen of a historic Roman palace, guests will then participate in a cooking class, learn preparation techniques, and enjoy personally prepared delicacies.



vintage-vespa.jpgOne of IF Lifestyle Management’s hallmark offerings, the Vintage Vespa selection whisks guests through Rome’s large avenues and tiny alleyways.  Keeping guests young at heart, this experience takes them on a thrilling adventure through Rome’s most famous sites.  Guests driven by trained personal drivers.  Custom itineraries available upon request.



engagement-roman-dinner.jpgThis selection offers guests the most contemporary, if not the most unique, dining option in Rome.  Sitting in complete darkness, guests touch their way through a traditional meal.  Servers guide guests to their seat and introduce the table and its settings.  Dishes are offered to the senses, which lead guests from item to item and magnify the meal’s rich flavors.



italian-high-couture.jpgIF Lifestyle Management offers clients the opportunity to benefit from personal design consultants.  Consultants accompany guests to private boutiques, couture showrooms, and artisanal workshops to locate particular item of interest.  Itineraries prepared around personal request of client.

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