Rome Jerry Thomas Project

Rome Jerry Thomas Project

In Rome Jerry Thomas Project is as underground as a cocktail bar can get. But Shhhhh!! It’s a secret! Indeed, hundreds of people walk by this place daily and only a handful knows that they are passing in front of one of the most original places where to have a drink in the Eternal City. From the outside, it simply looks like the entrance of a home.

Knock knock!

The Jerry Thomas Project is what is more commonly called a “speakeasy“. And what’s that? The word speakeasy is actually quite self-explanatory: it’s a place that must be spoken of in a low, discrete voice. These establishments were born during the USA’s Prohibition era (between 1920 and 1933), when alcohol was completely illegal across the country. As for Jerry Thomas, he happens to be an extremely famous American bartender of the 19th century. He was often regarded as the creator of American mixology. He was in fact the mastermind behind many inventive cocktails we drink even today.

In Rome Jerry Thomas Project, the drinks are certainly worth the detour. But before making your way there, be sure to call and ask for the password. Yes, we are back in the 1920s. And after ringing the doorbell (!),  you’ll be kindly asked to say the password before gaining access to the dimly lit lounge. If it’s your first time there, you’ll be asked to pay 5€ for a membership card as this place is considered a “private club”. Non smokers be warned: smoking is allowed inside. You’ll be happy to find a wonderful selection of cocktails and the bartenders are really very talented. But never ask for Vodka! It’s one of the house rules.

If you want to do something out of the ordinary or dress like a flapper, in Rome Jerry Thomas Project is perhaps one of the best places to do it!

Make sure to check out where to sleep near Rome Jerry Thomas Project here!

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