Said chocolate factory in Rome since 1923

Said chocolate factory

Said chocolate factory is Rome’s answer to Willy Wonka’s famous chocolate factory. And what an answer it is! Located in the neighborhood of San Lorenzo, on Via Tiburtina, 135, heading over to Said is also a good excuse to visit a fascinating area of Rome, one that is not in your typical 3 day guide of the Eternal City.

Said and San Lorenzo: old friends

Off the beaten path, San Lorenzo is often referred to as the “Greenwich Village” or the “Montmartre” of Rome, depending on who’s talking about it! But truthfully, San Lorenzo has a vibe all of its own. Its tumultuous history includes the heaviest bombing by the allies that Rome saw during the second World War. It is only during the 1960s that the area began to live again with a vibrant student population ready to change the atmosphere to something more spirited. Indeed, this neighborhood is home to many who frequent La Sapienza University, the largest university in Europe.

But a visit to San Lorenzo is not complete unless you have gone to the Said chocolate factory. From its discrete outside, one would never guess how big it is inside. The perfume of chocolate and the cozy interior transport you to the lovely chocolaterie in the movie “Chocolat” starring Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche. Said is simply heavenly. Here, you can purchase all sorts of chocolate and variations of it (liquors, spreads, powder, etc). And you can also have a seat and order a thick hot chocolate on a cold winter day, a rich dessert or even a full course meal. Said’s menu offers many classic Italian dishes, but with a touch of creativity that doesn’t go unnoticed. The dining area is tastefully decorated and has many tables for you to sit and enjoy a nice long chat with an old friend over some chocolate.

Said chocolate factory is a magnificent reason to explore San Lorenzo, a place where the young, the old, the artists, the intellects, share a space that has maintained the essence of a classic Roman neighborhood, with a hint of eccentric flair. With decades of success in Rome, another Said has opened its doors in London. And this says a lot!

Make sure to plan where to sleep near Said chocolate factory here!

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